Bringing care to wherever patients call home

We're expanding access to preventive care by reimagining how it’s delivered for everyone, everywhere.

Trusted by industry leaders

IN-HOME + VIRTUAL preventive care

Hybrid care, built for scale

We blend the compassion of in-person interactions with the convenience of virtual care to close care gaps and improve access. Our platform and full-stack medical practice combine to provide in-home visits with highly-trained “Sprinters” for hands-on diagnostics, paired with a virtual care team for comprehensive consults.


Uncover clinical and social drivers of health

Our comprehensive house calls address more than a dozen quality measures in a single home visit while capturing actionable data on at-risk populations.

Vitals checks
Blood pressure checks
Blood draws
Urine collection
Colorectal cancer screenings
Diabetic retinal exams
Diabetic foot exams
12-lead ECGs
Pediatric lead screenings
Topical fluoride application
Medication adherence
Medication history retrieval
Medication reconciliation and review
Medication ordering and delivery
Full virtual consultations
Family and medical history
Height, weight, and routine measurements
Medication review
Personalized prevention plan
Benefit education
Accurate diagnosis coding
In-network visit scheduling and follow-up
Primary care provider selection
Specialty provider and facility referrals
Social resource referrals
Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
Social needs screening
Race, ethnicity, language, gender capture
Depression screening
Fall risk screening
Cognitive function screening

Scaling a clinical workforce for care at home

Our “Sprinters” are W-2 phlebotomists hired from the communities they serve and trained in a combination of Medical Assistant and Community Health Worker skills. Sprinters are our eyes and ears in the home to provide empathetic, hands-on care and bridge the gap between patients and our team of virtual physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and care navigators.

Delivering Results

Driving quality performance and improving population health at scale


Member booking rate


Gap closure rate


Patient NPS


On-time arrivals

The Sprinter Approach

Address 12+ quality measures in a single home visit

Eye Exam for Patients with Diabetes
Glycemic Status Assessment
Kidney Health Evaluation
Controlling Blood Pressure
Colorectal Cancer Screening
Lead Screening for Children
Medication Adherence (DM, HTN, Cholesterol)
Medication Reconciliation Post Discharge
Statin Therapy for Patients with CVD
Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes
Social Needs Screening and Intervention
Race and Ethnicity Stratification
Adults' Access to Preventive Health Services
Eye Exam for Patients with Diabetes
Glycemic Status Assessment
Kidney Health Evaluation
Controlling Blood Pressure
Colorectal Cancer Screening
Lead Screening for Children
Medication Adherence (DM, HTN, Cholesterol)
Medication Reconciliation Post Discharge
Statin Therapy for Patients with CVD
Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes
Social Needs Screening and Intervention
Race and Ethnicity Stratification
Adults' Access to Preventive Health Services